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ArrayCritter Details
Meet Walter Wise, he is about 7 months old with a rich, red-ginger coat. He has a short stature and the cutest cranky face. He loves to play with toys and has proven a formidable soccer player when given a foil ball. He sticks around to mingle when visitors come over. He loves to eat and will accompany you to the kitchen each and every time (he is patient and quiet though and wields his cute face to extract treats from his person). His loud purrs express his love for a good neck and shoulder scratch. He gets the zoomies in the evening before bed. He is a surprisingly good car traveler and vet visitor. He longs for another cat who will be his friend and play. Yet to his person he could be a friend, a confidant, and a source of comfort on the toughest days. He has seen the world from the other side of the window and yearns for a forever family of his own. Walter is a precious boy and he deserves security, kindness and love.
About Me
December 24, 2024