Critter Details
LOST DOG: Name is Tiny. She is an 8lbs, 9 years old miniature pinscher. She is a little nervous but friendly, and should come to anyone if called by name. She is black & tan with some grey areas. Her ears & tail are both still intact. Black collar with rhinestones & a Husker tag with name & phone numbers. She was last seen in Airpark, near Arnold Heights & then near the Airport around 12:30pm on 4/8/14. She is VERY loved & our family pet. Please help us find our sweet baby girl. WE WILL PAY A REWARD!!!! Call Lauren 402-706-5494 or Jeremy 402-570-5863. Thank you.
About Me
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Where Last Seen
Lincoln Airport area
Lincoln Airport area
Zip Code