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December 18, 2024
Critter Details
Patches is scheduled to arrive at our Brandywine PetSmart adoption center on Tuesday Dec. 17. Dog- and Cat-Friendly!! Four and half month old little Patches has the most soulful eyes. Patches came to us all alone as an 8 week old kitten in Oct., far from the world he had known and without a mother or sibling to comfort him. He was uncertain how to act or whom to trust He would stare at you with his large piercing eyes as if trying to look into your soul and see if he can trust you with his most valuable procession – his love and affection. Now that Patches feels safe, he runs around the house with his tail held high, carrying his toys from room to room, and generally making himself right at home. Patches gets along well with other cats and has even wheedled his way into the affections of my grumpy old man cats, rubbing against them whether they like it or not (they’ve come to like it!). Although Patches sometimes still runs from me, at other times he is sneaking onto my lap and kissing my hand as I pet him. When I’m on the computer, he loves to get on the keyboard and surf the web (Any typos on this report are from Patches wanting to help me with his biography). Patches loves playing with toys, especially wand toys. He is a good eater and an excellent litter box user. He will do best in a calm household that will give him time to get use to his new environment. He would also like a furry friend either another kitten, or an older cat that he can look up to, or perhaps a calm, nurturing small dog. Please stop by our Brandywine PetSmart adoption center to meet Patches! Thank you. Please submit our no-obligation Adoption Application: Thank you! (Foster: Neal Ann S.)