Hi, my name is Moonlight!

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Critter Details

Introducing Moonlight, he is a gorgeous grey tabby kitten who loves water like no other kitty, so much so that his foster mom  nicknamed him “aqua cat.” Moonlight is just in love with water, he accompanies his foster mom when she’s taking a shower, doing the dishes, or any time that water is running, Moonlight is there ready to try and catch that flow! He even loves to take long naps in the sink. He is highly energetic and playful during the day, always finding some toy to toss or wrestle. He is most affectionate in the evenings when he comes around for pets and likes to cuddle up to his new human friends. He likes to give you kisses nose to nose and really loves being carried like a little baby, purring like a motor the whole time. We recommend he is adopted with another kitten or young playful cat, either way,  Moonlight is pure sweetness that is sure to bring much joy to any household.   Moonlight is fully vaccinated and tested negative FeLV/FIV. If you’re interested in meeting this little “aquatic” bundle of affection, visit BrooklynAnimalAction.org and submit an adoption form. Be sure to designate DonnaE as the rescuer and Moonlight as the cat, contact Donna@BrooklynAnimalAction.org with any further inquiries.   Thank you for choosing adoption, your support allows us to make room for the next furry friend in need.

About Me

December 30, 2024
Where Last Seen
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