Hi, my name is Gorgeous George!

Contact Information

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue

Critter Details

Gorgeous George is willing to grace you with his presence! He is here to be admired! George was abandoned with a flock of fancy pigeons when a backyard breeder tired of his hobby & turned them all out to fend for themselves. Most of them were grabbed by predators early on, and the surviving few hung out near a commercial kitchen next door to the house where they were abandoned. Over the weeks they disappeared one by one, except for lucky Gorgeous George, who was successfully rescued after many attempts. He is an enormous personality in a petite, feather-footed package.Please apply to adopt http://www.pigeonrescue.org/birds/apply-to-foster-or-adopt/

About Me

August 20, 2024
Where Last Seen
Zip Code