Hi, my name is Felicia!

Critter Details

Felicia is a 6 month old Lutino cockatiel who responds to “Felicia�? “Birdy-Bird�? and Felee-lee. She is hand tame, but does not always choose to go to strangers. When she flies to us, she usually flies to land on our heads. She’s flighted, not banded, and has been with us since she was a tiny baby, as we took her in as a rescue from a hoarding case when she was only 10 days old. We are not far from New Hampshire, we are in Merrimac, MA, right on the border of Newton NH. Please contact us with any info! We miss our baby bird and are so worried for her!

About Me

September 14, 2014
Where Last Seen
Red Oak acres, Merrimac, Ma
Zip Code

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