Hi, my name is A1238167!

Contact Information

(704) 336-6698

Critter Details

Please contact foster at izaacbacik@gmail.comVirginia is a sassy and sweet pit mix puppy who is learning how to navigate the world. When she isnâ&#194&#128&#194&#153t playing tug or chewing a teething toy, her favorite place to be is curled up in a lap for a nap. Virginia is looking for a home where she can experience a full lifetime of love, and remain in the home despite new children, moves, or job changes. A puppy is a large commitment and requires constant attention, baby proofing, and a commitment to health checks, vaccines, and a spay or neuter. If you can provide Virginia with the proper care and training, she will reward you with a lifetime of love. Reach out to her foster at izaacbacik@gmail.com for more information

About Me

January 1, 2025
Where Last Seen
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