My name is Heidi. I was found on May 11, 2015, from the 2438 78th Ave.NE, Medina, WA 98039 in the 5-11-15 zip code.
My name is RJ. I was found on May 7, 2015, from the Adamsville AL in the 35005 zip code.
My name is Unknown. I was found on May 7, 2015, from the In neighboorhood near SOuthside BLvd zip 32216 in the 32216 zip code.
My name is Hercules. I was found on May 6, 2015, from the Azalea Park Apts, Fulton County on Dunwoody Place, Between Northridge and Roswell road in the 30350 zip code.
My name is Fonzie. I was found on May 5, 2015, from the 4712 South West Hills Drive Topeka Ks. 66606 in the 66606 zip code.
My name is Nina. I was found on May 4, 2015, from the 12th and McKean in the 5/4/15 approx 5:30p zip code.
My name is Jesse. I was found on May 3, 2015, from the 480 Briggs Rd Rockwall Tx in the June 21, 2014 zip code.
My name is Benji. I was found on April 28, 2015, from the 26th and Lincoln Ave Milwaukee WI 53215 in the 53215 zip code.
My name is Bella. I was found on April 27, 2015, from the Concord Estates/Stratford Place (College/Perkins area) in the 70808 zip code.
My name is Buster. I was found on April 19, 2015, from the Near Johnson Drive In Sherwood, Arkansas. in the 72120 zip code.