
  • My name is Glen Henderson. I was found on September 15, 2012, from the United States in the 73099 zip code.

  • My name is Shelbie. I was found on September 11, 2012 in the 22192 zip code.

  • My name is Dini. I was found on September 11, 2012 in the 22192 zip code.

  • My name is Madison Cupcake. I was found on September 11, 2012 in the 22192 zip code.

  • My name is Sniffey. I was found on September 8, 2012, from the Ponderosa Dr. in the 40741 zip code.

  • My name is Nutmeg. I was found on September 6, 2012, from the 4 hills area in Albuquerque, Tramway and cintral in the 87123 zip code.

  • My name is Mojo. I was found on September 6, 2012, from the 4 hills area in Albuquerque, Tramway and cintral in the 87123 zip code.

  • My name is Maggie. I was found on August 31, 2012, from the United States in the 20906 zip code.

  • My name is . I was found on August 30, 2012 in the 32218 zip code.

  • My name is Spoog. I was found on August 27, 2012, from the 1/11/12 in the 33511 zip code.

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