
  • My name is . I was found on July 25, 2012, from the i have him at my house in the 68418 zip code.

  • My name is Sheffy. I was found on July 20, 2012, from the 10/16/2012 in the 47172 zip code.

  • My name is . I was found on July 16, 2012 in the 97375 zip code.

  • My name is Kutchka Paddywacket. I was found on July 11, 2012, from the Fraser MI in the 48026 zip code.

  • My name is Key. I was found on July 8, 2012, from the Circle K at Kerry Forest Tallahassee, FL in the 32312 zip code.

  • My name is . I was found on July 8, 2012, from the I have her. in the 89427 zip code.

  • My name is Scout or Baby-boy. I was found on July 5, 2012, from the 7/4/12 @ 9:00 pm in the 32309 zip code.

  • My name is Jaxs. I was found on July 2, 2012, from the June 23, 2012 in the 64735 zip code.

  • My name is . I was found on June 21, 2012, from the s 47th st and california in the 60609 zip code.

  • My name is Tessa. I was found on June 20, 2012, from the 5/16/12 in the 31075 zip code.

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