
  • My name is . I was found on September 7, 2013, from the Mesquite and mcelroy in the 38120 zip code.

  • My name is Dusty. I was found on September 3, 2013, from the September 3 near hacks cross road and poplar pike in the 38138 zip code.

  • My name is . I was found on September 1, 2013, from the Mile Marker 34, Gene Snyder Freeway, Louisville, KY in the 40241 zip code.

  • My name is Jake. I was found on August 30, 2013, from the Douglas Ridge Trailer, Douglasville, Georgia in the 30135 zip code.

  • My name is Apache. I was found on August 27, 2013, from the yesterday in my back yard at 1pm zip 68123 in the 68123 zip code.

  • My name is Rocky (Mrs. Rocky Balboa). I was found on August 27, 2013, from the Behind the old golf course in Colber. Then near McCarty Dodd rd and Tumbling Creek subdivision. in the 30628 zip code.

  • My name is Sitka. I was found on August 21, 2013, from the 13th and Main Streets in Speedway, IN in the 46224 zip code.

  • My name is Swain. I was found on August 20, 2013, from the Corner of Poplar Ave and N. Mclean Blvd in the 38104 zip code.

  • My name is . I was found on August 19, 2013, from the 70th/College in the 46220 zip code.

  • My name is Buddy. I was found on August 19, 2013, from the He is at Home in the 85016 zip code.

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