My name is . I was found on September 7, 2013, from the Mesquite and mcelroy in the 38120 zip code.
My name is Dusty. I was found on September 3, 2013, from the September 3 near hacks cross road and poplar pike in the 38138 zip code.
My name is . I was found on September 1, 2013, from the Mile Marker 34, Gene Snyder Freeway, Louisville, KY in the 40241 zip code.
My name is Jake. I was found on August 30, 2013, from the Douglas Ridge Trailer, Douglasville, Georgia in the 30135 zip code.
My name is Apache. I was found on August 27, 2013, from the yesterday in my back yard at 1pm zip 68123 in the 68123 zip code.
My name is Rocky (Mrs. Rocky Balboa). I was found on August 27, 2013, from the Behind the old golf course in Colber. Then near McCarty Dodd rd and Tumbling Creek subdivision. in the 30628 zip code.
My name is Sitka. I was found on August 21, 2013, from the 13th and Main Streets in Speedway, IN in the 46224 zip code.
My name is Swain. I was found on August 20, 2013, from the Corner of Poplar Ave and N. Mclean Blvd in the 38104 zip code.
My name is . I was found on August 19, 2013, from the 70th/College in the 46220 zip code.
My name is Buddy. I was found on August 19, 2013, from the He is at Home in the 85016 zip code.