
  • My name is Kokopelli. I was found on June 25, 2013, from the Near University Ave and University Bay in the 53705 zip code.

  • My name is Nala. I was found on June 19, 2013, from the 7th Ave and Union Hills Dr in the 85027 zip code.

  • My name is teddy. I was found on June 16, 2013, from the 862 north taylor streey in the 19130 zip code.

  • My name is Mason. I was found on June 14, 2013, from the Moyamensing and Dickinson streets in south philly in the 19147 zip code.

  • My name is Sadie. I was found on June 12, 2013, from the Cedarcreek Circle, Nashville TN 37211 in the 37211 zip code.

  • My name is PJ. I was found on June 1, 2013, from the Marathon off Hanson in Andover mn in the 55304 zip code.

  • My name is Bartleby. I was found on May 30, 2013, from the Briarwood Terrace, Rockville, MD in the 20853 zip code.

  • My name is Leo. I was found on May 29, 2013, from the Collierville near Shelton in the 38017 zip code.

  • My name is Moe. I was found on May 29, 2013, from the lost in Marlborough, MA. Spotted in Hudson, MA in the 1752 zip code.

  • My name is Sev. I was found on May 26, 2013, from the oak hill area of austin, tx (ridge oak road@ wm. cannon in the 78749 zip code.

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