MissingCritters.com is a 100% FREE PET LOST & FOUND!

Search, Post, and Find your lost or found pet – dog, cat, or any critter – totally free!

How does Missing Critters Work?

See Our FAQ
  • Lost a Critter

    When you tell us you’re missing a critter, we show you all those critters in your ZIP code that have been found. You can expand the search up to 100 miles. If you see your critter, confirm the match and we’ll either share contact info (not recommended) or send you and the finder to the closest shelter for reuniting. If you don’t see your critter, you can post the guy. It’s easy!

  • Found a Critter

    You can use your cell phone camera to send a picture to FOUND@MissingCritters.com (no APP, smartphone or iPhone is required). You can also use the computer directly to enter info about the critter you’ve found! Just tell us what type of critter (bird, cat, dog, horse, livestock, or other) and the location the animal was found. All personal info is kept strictly confidential.